Tuesday 10 July 2012

Chuck's actors

Various things you may or may not know about Chuck's actors. 

Zachary Levi

Check his website : The Nerd Machine and don't forget to "ear him" in Tangled. 
Zachary singing I see the light

Yvonne Strahovsky

Her farewell to Chuck's fans
Dear Twitter peeps, lovers of Chuck, of our Chuck characters and everything Chuck. Today marks the very last day of filming on this show. I cant begin to express how much I have loved this ride, and how much I have been amazed and touched by your ongoing support. Today is a very difficult day. We will walk away happy, though. Happy to have gone through this together, happy to have made friendships for life, and the greatest and best fans on the entire planet. So my #ThankYouChuck is a thank you to the fans. Thank you for seeing us through this journey, for your endless support, for the love and the determination. Thank you, thank you … thank you.
Love, Yvonne Strahovski
Tra la la Chuck!!!!
In the meantime, she will join the cast of Dexter. Will she be a victim, an ally or an opponent of our well loved serial killer ?

Joshua Gomez

5 things you didn't know about Joshua
1. From a young age, I was exposed to performing while my family and I traveled with the National Tour of BeatlemaniaMy father, Rich Gomez, played George Harrison. His father was also part of [the musical group,] the 1910 Fruitgum Company. I love listening to and writing music. When people ask me what my back-up plan was in case acting hadn’t worked out, I told them I wanted to be a musician – which is so much easier! Some of my work was used in an episode of Chuck last season.
2. I’ve been a vegetarian for 22 years. When I started, it was more because of my love of animals, but I have found the health benefits are wonderful, as well.
3. I’m an avid runner and have completed several half marathons. However, eight to 10 miles a day, six to seven days a week, in Vans, on the concrete sidewalks of New York has left me with bum knees. I still enjoy five-mile runs a few times a week, but always make time for stretching before and after. It’s my time to think and unwind.
4. One of my least favorite things in the world is cockroaches, and not just any cockroaches, but New York City roaches, man. They’re the worst. I think they have their own union. And every apartment I lived in was pretty much infested with them. So, my brother, best friend, and I all got tattoos of cockroaches as a sort of a talisman against them. It didn’t really work, not that I expected it to. Oddly enough, I began to admire the little buggers for their perseverance and their survival skills – just like New Yorkers.
5. I went through a couple network tests before landing the role on ChuckA few years ago, I had an audition I felt particularly excited for: The role of Morgan Grimes onChuck. I went through not one, but two network tests for the role as the producers wanted to make sure the chemistry between Chuck and Morgan was perfect. And sure enough,Zachary Levi and me hit it off immediately!

Adam Baldwin

He's a bad FBI agent in Bones, he's a crazy detective in Castle, and a crazier NSA agent in Chuck. With  an appearance like that, he's destined to play strong characters. 

In his free time, he keeps posting on twitter, mostly stuff about politics. 

He wrote an article in the Huffington Post: Ride 2 recovery, an organization set up for the rehabilitation of wounded veterans.  

He will play in Leverage, as an ex soldier, leading an anti terrorist cell. What a surprise ! An other governmental agent. 

Melissa & Joey

This is the come back of Melissa Joan Hart, and Joey Lawrence !

If as me you grew up with Sabrina the teenage witch, you will be very happy to watch Melissa Joan Hart all grown up, and now substitute mother of two teenagers. The "Manny", Joey, is a little arrogant, funny and quite lovable. He's the voice of seriousness sometimes, balanced by his "all muscle virility". 

Melissa is a respected politician whose past as a party girl is sometimes difficult to forget. 

This show is a tribute to the 80's sitcoms. 

All in all, this show is not a modele of originality, but it is still pleasant to follow this unconventional family. 

Saving Hope

New medical show : Saving hope

After 8 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, 5 seasons of Private Practice (Shondaland) , I was very curious to see which direction this new medical show would take.

If you're expecting to watch a new Grey's Anatomy, this is not IT. Saving hope uses the medical stuff not as the basic ingredient of the show, rather as the background. The show is slower, slow paced, and focuses less on the many characters. The core of the show relies on emotions.

The pilot shows the dilemma of a soldier with PTSD, of a teenager whose baby killed his girlfriend, a John Doe whose wife has not been contacted...It mainly focuses on a couple separated.

Charlie, Michael Shanks, is in a coma. His voice echoes through the episodes, he reminisces on his past actions, he doubts himself, seeing the dead now. Erica Durance is full of emotions, not knowing what to do, split between her knowledge as a doctor, and her feelings, as a woman.

Her wit, that she used so brillantly as Lois Lane in Smallville is still present, even if hidden in her sorrow.

However I don't know how much a ghost can learn, and how a show can survive with only 3 main characters, one of which is disconnected from the others.

Let's wait and see.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Future of Smallville's Actors

As I was talking about Allison Mack, just thought I'd write a little bit about the others.

Kristen Kreuk -  Lana Lang - will star in the new CW Beauty and the Beast. It will premiere October, the 11th. I think that she was a little colorless and insipide in Smallville. Hopefully she will be more interesting in this.

Justin Hartley - Green Arrow, Oliver Queen - will join her on the CW. He will play in Emily Owen, MD. He already guest starred in another CW show Hart of Dixie. He says that he's not been asked to play in Arrow, but that it is okay. The new "Arrow" will bring something completely different. I wish he would have continued to play Oliver Queen.

Erica Durance - Lois Lane - as I've already written, she's playing the fiancee of Michael Shanks in Saving Hope.

Michael Rosembaum - Lex Luthor - played Dutch in Breaking In. Despite his role in Smallville, he usually plays comical roles. He's voicing, directing and producing in several films.

Eric Johnson - Whitney Fordman - do you remember Lana's boyfriend in season 1? Well he's playing in 2 seasons of Rookie Blue.

Jensen Ackles -  Jason Teague - Well, he's the co-lead in Supernatural.

Tom Welling - Clark Kent - golf apparently. For charity of course.

Allison Mack in the Huffington Post - SMALLVILLE -

Here is her article from the Huff post. 

By the way she says that after 10 years of Smallville, she might be willing to play in the new CW tv show "Arrow".  In the meantime she's playing in the crazy tv show: Wilfred. Remember, the lead is Lord of the Ring's Frodo, so might be interesting to watch.

Glass House

Do you remember your first kiss? I remember mine: my lips are sticking to my gums because all the moisture from my mouth has made a mass exodus to my palms and armpits. Suddenly, there he is. Standing in front of me. And the fact that I actually like him amplifies my nerves by 110 percent.
My body is caught in a tractor beam pulled directly towards him, but I am eyeing the ejection seat with my hand hovering over the abort and abandon button. It is going to happen. There is no turning back now. I acquiesce. I lean in. Our teeth clink and the pimples on my hormone ravaged chin rub against his peach fuzz.
"Cut. Let's go again."
Looking around at the director and the 25 middle-aged men who just witnessed this epic moment of awkward intimacy I can't help but feel as though there is something abnormal about this experience.
You see, I don't need to remember my first kiss. This coming-of-age moment is forever burned onto celluloid, which can be re-run over and over and over again. One of my most personal, clumsy and intimate experiences is caught on camera for all to see... and see... and see.
So much of my life has been documented this way. Many of my most personal experiences are shared with the whole world. Type my name on your TiVo and you can watch me gain and lose weight, go through phases of bad haircuts and too many piercings, zits the size of walnuts on my chin, then on my nose, and, my personal favorite, right between my eyes. Watch me grow, morph and shift into the woman I am today all from the comfort of your living room chair.
This offers a unique feeling of familiarity between the rest of the world and me. The Truman Show-like life I have lived allows for a depth of intimacy with people I have never met. Leaving a restaurant the other day, a beautiful woman looked up at me and smiled, "Hi!" Her warm and open energy felt comfortable, so I assumed I knew her. "Hi!" I said back. But I didn't know her. I don't.
She knew Chloe. My weekly visits to her living room TV via Smallville created the illusion of instant friendship for her.
Experiences like this are both exhilarating and terrifying. Exhilarating because who doesn't like instant lovely friends. This is delightful. But then there is the terrifying bit. She thinks I'm actually Chloe. She has no concept of all the many ways I am way more face-plant Allison than kick-ass Chloe. It could be really easy to hide behind the strength and power of a character I portrayed rather than opening up to the truth of my own very real blemishes and bruises.
I don't have a team of witty writers giving me snarky comebacks or wise remarks in real life. And no amount of cover up will conceal the scars on my arms and legs that come from the clumsy way I move through my days. Along with a fantastic wardrobe and perfect hair, my alter ego "Chloe" embodied a strength and integrity in the face of outside pressures and criticism that I don't feel I have yet. It is funny, but in a way I look up to her and admire her commitment to the pursuit of truth against all odds. I never thought I would see the character I played as a role model for the type of woman I would like to become.
Perversely, it is the typical "superhero" struggle. And it has me wondering if someone like Bruce Wayne feels lame without the voice modulator and all the fancy leather defining each muscle. Does he look in the mirror and feel like less of a man compared to Batman? Does the man behind the mask, the real man, feel less impressive than his alter ego?
In my case, the ideal super woman, "Chloe," always knew what to say and was never afraid to stand for what she believed in. Then there is this real woman "Allison," who is afraid of owning what she loves, is too hard on herself, and is struggling to figure it all out. Both "characters" have the same voice, the same body, and the same brain. There's just one simple difference: oh, just this little thing called reality.
As an actor I am in the spotlight of attention and I have the choice to either maintain the façade of my character -- infallible and special with ultimate strength and integrity plus no pimples, no cellulite and no wrinkles -- or, I can fully expose the truth of my struggles. It is interesting because I think we always glorify heroes. Culturally, at least in North America, we are drawn to beautiful, blemish free flawless heroes who face fierce external foes and then go back to basking in their perfectness. We superficially focus on the glamorous lives of the infallible heroes who look so brave and courageous.
So for many of us, the struggle to embrace our own imperfect selves is relentless and omnipresent in our society. The cover of every magazine lies to us, telling us beauty only exists after extensive airbrushing.
But for me it seems far more terrifying to stand naked and exposed with no suit of armour or special powers. The challenge of living a vulnerable and honest life takes way more guts than hiding behind a mask, a well fitted suit, and a smooth signature fighting move.
So I suppose when deciding how much I want to expose of myself in the work I do and how much I want to hide behind the perfection of a crafted and predetermined character the answer comes in asking myself what I want to promote. What kind of example am I going to set? This answer to this is clear. Not easy, but clear. Ideally I would like to promote self acceptance and love. True invincibility attained through the transparency of messy, screwy, honest, and human issues.
Now, a full year after Smallville, I am at a point in my life and in my career where I would like to be more active in the type of example I set and the type of character I represent. I am stepping out of the comfortable shell of "TV actress" and revealing my "woman behind the screen" as a writer. Welcome to my home, I am renting a "glass house" in an attempt to promote the idea that we are not alone as we struggle through our own maze of masks and mirrors. I'm pushing into the vulnerable truth and sharing this journey to craft my own, real, super character. I am grateful for the suits I have worn; each woman has given me a clearer picture of who I want to be, but I am looking forward to gently folding up the costume and placing it on the shelf. For a little while anyway.

From the new god to purgatory, Castiel has been through a lot - SUPERNATURAL-

Castiel : Misha Collins

Where is Castiel going? Let's sum up. First he was an austere angel. Then he was more relaxed (going in a strip club with Dean). Then he was a hippy, having orgies and taking drugs - producers say that that's the closest from his real personality...don't know what that means...
After that he became a new god, a Leviathan, and a husband. Then the original Cas again. Then crazy Cas, seing Lucifer. Then crazy again, but differently.
In the last episode, he was stuck with Dean in purgatory.

Nobody knows really what's going to happen next. Even Misha.

I like this Actor, first because he plays in one of my favorite show, and second because he does not hesitate to mix with the fans, either through his charity, or through organizing a new world record.

Citations from the Supernatural Magazine

"I didn't know where they were going with  (the lord Castiel plot) . I knew I was still alive as God at the end of season 6 and part of me thought  "oh I see what they're doing, they're going to make castiel the big bad for season 7 and he's going to be Sam and Dean's nemesis. Then just a few days before shooting they called me and were like "Alright, so we want you for episodes one and two. And I was like 'aw, I thought I was going to be the big bad for the whole season'.

"One of the thing I miss the most is that when I was a regular on the show Jared (Sam) always did my laundry for me and put it in my trailer. Now I've gotta have my mom do it, which is just degrading; so I miss that".

Citations from Misha's twitter account

"The guy next to me keeps asking me if I want an autograph. I don't want to encourage him. What should I do? "
aka Jack Carter in EUREKA

"If you donate a large amount, your ancestors will be relocated from purgatory to heaven..."

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Grey's Anatomy shocking ending

As usual, Grey's Anatomy's last episode of the season has a macabre tone. Meredith, Derek, Yang, Mark and Arizona are all facing death.
What's more, Lexopedia seems already dead. Chance of survival? Pretty much none.

Why has Shonda not kept little Grey?

Drama for one, and apparently Chyler Leigh the actress playing Lexie, and Shonda have both agreed that her character has done pretty much all that's possible. The fact that they have secured the "big Grey", Ellen Pompeo for another 2 years could only help. The Grey legacy is secured. However Chyler will not leave completely the Shondaland. We will probably see her in Scandal, Shonda Rhymes new show, joining her Grey's Anatomy's father. 

The more endangered to succombe to their injuries are Arizona and Mark, maybe leaving Callie to raise the baby on her own.

April Kepner will be there, as actress Sarah Drew has already confirmed it. So has Kevin Mckidd playing Owen. The others will probably also stay, as they have extended their contracts.

What's up with Glee?

What's going on with the season four? 

Besides our usual show of celebrities (Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Hudson...) apparently nobody knows really what's going to happen. All we know, is that the show will be split between NY and McKinley.  So Rachel's fans, not to worry Lea Michele is not ready to leave Glee. 

Apparently all characters will be seen in season 4. How much? That we don't know. 

Will Rachel and Finn stay together? According to Lea Michele and Cory Monteith, they are thinking that Rachel and Finn are the new "Ross & Rachel". Let's just hope that it won't take 10 seasons, a failed marriage and a baby to bring them back together. 

Anyway the two actors seem pretty happy in their own new romance. 

Little Puck will apparently join the team. Let's hope he has a mohawk too. 

Rachel will be taught dance by Kate Hudson, Finn will join the army, Kurt will join Rachel in NY but not in NYADA (maybe fashion? ).

In the same time, apparently the team of actors has been busy...well...writing.

Jenna Ushkowitz (tina) is writing a novel called "choosing glee". Her book will be released in the spring of 2013.

She is joining Jane Lynch,aka evil coach sylvester, with her autobiography, and Chris Colfer (kurt) who will release a children's book as writers. 

Saturday 30 June 2012

Michael Shanks

Michael Shanks is a Stargate addict. 

After 10 season of Stargate SG1, various apparitions in Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe, and the Stargate movies, what has Michael been up to?

Well, he lives and relives in Smallville. He becomes the enigmatic Hawkman, best known as as the archeologist Carter Hall. Yes an archeologist again, not very original.

In his new TV show, Saving hope, he plays, well, a ghost - not ascended- .
He his a chief of Surgery, Charlie Harris in Toronto's Hope Zion Hospital. He is engaged to Alex Reid (Erica Durance). So after Clark Kent, she is engaged to yet another Smallville character.

Saving Hope has just started. It premiered on June, 7 2012. It is a show I will definitely follow, as it combines supernatural, talented actors, and hopefully a good plot.

For Michael Shanks ' fan we can hope that we won't see him die again. Indeed, his characters seem unable to stay alive. Please writers, don't kill him again !


What's on TV this week? (24-30 june) Eureka


Eureka, S05E10 the Honeymooners

Eureka is a dreamy town, where everything is possible. I thought that only in Supernatural people came back from the dead, but it seems that I was wrong.

In this episode Jack prepares a perfect honeymoon who turned out to be ... catastrophic. No hot water, mud instead, no roof, no bed, a night in a tent...Perfect for camping, not so much for a honeymoon. Carrie lives something quite similar in Sex and the City when Aidan invites her to his house in the woods.

In the meantime Holly is still looking for the perfect body. Don't you wish sometimes that you could be transfer on a new body?

And shocking news: Henry's wife is (was? ) a spy, she joined on "other henry's" request.

In case you didn't know that, Colin Ferguson, aka Carter was just in Haiti, helping the random Act. The random act is a charity founded by Misha Collins, the angel from Supernatural.

Don't hesitate to make donations.

The Honeymooners here on Amazon

10 seasons of Friends

"Richart, you are a good guy    <-- Chandler
I know, I hate that"                   <--Richard

Chandler finally won Monica over.

What can I say about this show? So many things, catchy phrases, good or bad jokes. I must admit that I was one of these helpless romantics rooting for Rachel and Ross.
( Even when they were on a break)
The multiple guest stars could only have make it better. The superficial Reese Whiterspoon, the pathetic Bruce Willis, the psycho Ben Stiller, the gorgeous Noah Wyle and George Clooney ...

buy here, as there won't be a movie.

Better to look at what they are doing now.

Jennifer Aniston: after 2 medium movies Just go with it and horrible bosses she seems to be more successful in her private life. She and Justin Leroux may or may not be engaged.

Matthew Perry: he will play the lead in a new show : Go on. The series will premiere on September 11, 2012

David Schwimmer : he comes back as Melman the hypochondriac giraffe in Madagascar 3.

Courtney Cox: who has not seen Cougar town ? It is a show about 6 friends, 3 men, 3 women who live close to each other....Where have I seen this concept before?

Lisa Kudrow : She is guest staring. She also has a web series called  Web therapy

Matt LeBlanc: I am honestly not sure

Friends: The Complete Series Collection Friends - Season 1-10 Complete Collection (15th Anniversary) [DVD]

NCIS Till death do us part, last episode of season 9

What did you think of the last episode of NCIS? 
Till Death Do Us part

Let's rewind.
The double episode focuses on the new most wanted criminal - actually replaced Ben Laden on the wall- Harper Dearing. Dearing is looking for revenge for his son's death, especially against the Navy and Gibbs. 

The episode begins with Tony going through the luggages of director Vance, wondering if he wears boxer or not. By the way we didn't have the answer.
Vance is in a church with a message: your king is vulnerable.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs meets mini Ryan. Little Ryan asks the killer question: "how much do you like my mum? On a scale from 1 to 10, you can round up if you want"...

And then the "incident" number 1.
A bomb in a house

Poor Palmer realizes in the process that his wedding is not the priority of the day, his "family" is hot on the trail of Dearing. Only mentor and friend Ducky will make it. 

Dearing starts the attack with Ryan's son. He even released the evil ex husband on the Ryan family who went on hiding. And off you go, one more of Gibbs relationship that seems doom.

I think that NCIS writers have something against relationships. Ducky, Tony, Ziva, Gibbs, Mcgee are all single- or nothing serious at least. The only one who seem to escape this fate is not even a main character - by the way, after 9 seasons I think that Palmer has  REALLY earned the right to be more than a regular. 

However as we see Ziva and Tony talking about weddings, we can realize that romance is still here.

Then the grand finale, incident number 2. 
A bomb in Vance's car. 
Beautiful present for this end of season. Mcgee went flying, Tony and Ziva are stuck in an elevator, Gibbs is trying to protect Abby, Palmer is nowhere to be seen but on his way. The only absent is Ducky. Touching scene in the end, when Ducky falls - probably heart attack.

I was pretty chocked in the end, as I had just read that David McCallum has signed a new contract. 

Away from everybody, I'm sure now that Ducky will be okay, but really don't know how.

Who do you think is gonna die? 

Personally I think that nobody will. Or is that a selfish wish? After all they killed a bunch of interesting people already. I think that NCIS's ending was one of the best - and worst - cliffhanger of this TV season.

Till Death Do Us Part


Which TV show should we have saved?

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